Inclusies: INCLusive Universities Leading to Inclusive SocietIES
Project Partners
University of Brescia (Italy)
Panteion University (Greece)
Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
Rete Lenfort – Avvocatura per i diritti LGBTI+ (Italy)
Colour Youth – LGBTQ Youth Community of Athens (Greece)
Lithuanian Gay League (Lithuania)
The program website:
Social media:
The INCLUSIES project is a two-year (2022-2024) program coordinated by the University
of Brescia (Italy) and is implemented in Greece, Lithuania and Italy with funding
of the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.
The purpose of the project is to strengthen inclusion and promote equality and
of diversity in terms of sexual orientation, identity, expression and the
gender characteristics, in higher education institutions and, more broadly, in society.
At the same time, the project aims to strengthen the active role of witnesses to incidents of
discrimination based on sexual orientation, identity, expression or gender characteristics. The involvement of university staff and the student community in dealing with such
incidents will ultimately lead to active citizens and more inclusive societies,
free from corresponding discrimination.
Specific objectives:
• To explore
The daily life of LGBTI+ members of the student community in the academic environment, the
their needs and the gaps in their inclusion, ways to promote the involvement of attendees
as well as the ways in which Universities and ultimately societies can become
more inclusive.
• To raise awareness
The academic staff and the student community regarding inclusiveness
practices in their professional, educational and everyday life so that they become active
present persons and prepare to educate those around them.
• To encourage
University staff and students to become active bystanders
and actively tackle discrimination based on
• To create
National and international collaborations to prevent and combat discrimination due to
sexual orientation, identity, gender expression and characteristics, as well as a
community of trainers and active participants.
Target groups
• LGBTI+ and non-LGBI+ members of the student community and educational staff.
• Civil Society Specialists.
• Γενικός πληθυσμός.
• References to discrimination based on sexual orientation, identity, expression and
gender characteristics and the needs for inclusive practices in academia
• Trainings for universities in audience engagement.
• Guide for active presenters.
• Awareness campaigns.
The Inclusions: INCLUsive Universities Leading to Inclusive Societies project is co-financed by
European Union through the Erasmus Plus program – KA220-HED. The content of this
website represents the views of the authors and is their sole responsibility. THE
European Commission bears no responsibility for any use of this information.